Curious about anything and everything! I believe the power we have as designers to visualise ideas has the potential to transform the way people interact with technology. More About Me →

👩🏽‍💻 Currently- UX @Designit (Personal newsletter coming soon! )

Let’s work together!

📬  [email protected]

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Filter by type of project; UI / UX / Finance & more


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Recent Personal Projects

Sidekick- your companion in dating (AI)

🩺 Enhancing Scheduling in Doctor Appointment Booking

🐶 Making Pet Insurance Easy, Transparent and Customisable

Enhancing Collaboration between data experts and non-experts on Airbook

Increasing engagement for Spotify Podcast Listeners

Work Experience

🔗 Download Resume

I have had the joy and privilege of working with:

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Product Designer

Nov 2023- Jan 2024, Part-time 2 months, Remote

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McKinsey & Co

Design Intern

June 2022- Aug 2022 2 months, Mumbai

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Design Intern

Nov 2021- Feb 2022 4 months, Remote

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Leaf Design

Design Mentee

May - June 2021 1 month, Remote