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“Podcasts are more genuine, more intimate, more authentic [than other media] — the issues I deal with cannot be explained in 140 characters. You can’t explain migration in a tweet. You have to present a story, make it compelling, present the pros and cons of an issue to help people understand.” - Claudia Romo-Edelman, Host, GlobalGoals Cast (USA)

Note- This project was done over the course of 2 days in 10 hours as part of a hiring process for a product design role. Problem statement was to make the experience better for existing podcast listeners for Spotify without drastically changing their design system.

Click on the arrow to go to the tweet. The Short Version for all of you with no attention span :P

Click on the arrow to go to the tweet. The Short Version for all of you with no attention span :P

Who, Why, Where, When

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Age Groups

| Teenagers (13-19 years old)

  1. Exam Prep and Study Aids: Teenagers use educational podcasts to supplement their studies, learn new study techniques, and gain insights into subjects they're studying.

  2. Pop Culture and Entertainment: Young listeners tune in to podcasts discussing the latest movies, TV shows, music, and celebrity news, keeping up with pop culture trends.

  3. Self-Improvement and Personal Growth: Some teenagers explore podcasts focused on building confidence, managing stress, improving communication skills, and navigating relationships.

  4. Career Aspirations: Ambitious teens seek out podcasts that offer career advice, insights into different professions, and interviews with successful individuals. | Young Adults (20-35 years old)

  5. Commuter's Companion: Young adults listen to podcasts during their daily commutes, using this time to catch up on news, learn new skills, or enjoy entertaining content.

  6. Entrepreneurship and Startups: Aspiring entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts follow podcasts that share startup success stories, business strategies, and market trends.

  7. Relationship and Dating Advice: Young adults engage with podcasts offering advice on dating, relationships, and building meaningful connections in a modern world.

  8. Fitness and Health: Health-conscious listeners turn to podcasts for fitness routines, nutrition tips, mental health discussions, and motivational stories. | | --- | --- | | Adults (36-50 years old)

  9. Work-Life Balance: Adults listen to podcasts about achieving work-life balance, time management, stress reduction, and maintaining overall well-being.

  10. Parenting and Family: Adults with families find podcasts that provide parenting tips, share family stories, and discuss ways to nurture healthy family dynamics.

  11. Financial Planning: Listeners in this age group seek podcasts that offer advice on financial planning, investments, retirement, and making informed financial decisions.

  12. Cultural Heritage: Adults explore podcasts that celebrate their cultural heritage, language, history, and traditions, fostering a sense of connection. | Seniors (51 and above)

  13. Retirement Planning: Seniors listen to podcasts that guide them through retirement planning, healthcare considerations, and maintaining an active lifestyle.

  14. Lifelong Learning: Older listeners continue their pursuit of knowledge by engaging with podcasts on history, philosophy, arts, and other intellectually stimulating topics.

  15. Health and Aging Gracefully: Seniors access podcasts discussing senior health, fitness routines, managing chronic conditions, and maintaining a positive outlook.

  16. Stories and Nostalgia: Podcasts that share stories from the past, reminisce about earlier times, and celebrate historical events resonate with this age group. |