Hi! I’m Devanshi, an experience designer ✨

💭 Psychology → ✍🏼 Design

In 2017, I was in school and studied psychology which made me curious about how other people think & perceive the world. To understand this field more I read several books and listened to podcasts. Till then my knowledge of the digital world was limited to basic consumer apps that I used myself. However, one day I was listening to an episode of 99% invisible and they were talking about an app that could tell you the history of a city as you walk through it, personalised to the listener.

This idea excited me and opened up a world of new possibilities of how we interact with technology and its implications in the physical world.

📚 Exploring the world of Design

At Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Bengaluru, 2019-2023, I worked across various disciplines and got my passion for visualising ideas

👔 Work Experience

While I loved working on these college projects I really wanted to build live projects with real users. Thus began my foray into the professional world

Currently I’m freelancing, doing side projects, reading books, focusing on my health and spending time with loved ones

Also working on a side project that could use AI in dating apps, for more quality matches and meaningful activities- Sidekick